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The First IRTG Soft Tissue Robotics Summer School (27.06.2018 – 06.07.2018)
IRTG students and PIs from both the University of Auckland and the University of Stuttgart meet at the University of Stuttgart in Germany for the first IRTG Soft Tissue Robotics summer school. The summer school was mainly comprised of four sections; 1) Demonstrator...
New Zealand’s Royal Society has awarded Prof. Alexander Verl
New Zealand’s Royal Society has awarded a Catalyst: Leaders International Fellowship for Professor Alexander Verl for a period of three years, October 2018 to September 2021. The total amount of the award is $160,000. The project related to this award is novel robotic...
Postdoctoral Researchers’ Networking Tour
The German Academic Exchange service offers a “Postdoctoral Researchers’ Networking Tour” for postdocs working related to Artificial Intelligence who are interested in job opportunities in Germany (academic and non-academic). They offer: - a practice orientated and...
Focus area A:
Modelling and developing new simulation technologies

University of Auckland
University of Stuttgart
Soft Tissue Robotics
Simulation-Driven Concepts and Design for Control and Automation for Robotic Devices Interacting with Soft Tissues